Saturday, August 27, 2016

Want to know this muse?

Namaste.... Hello..... Hola..... Bonjour to all of you...............

'Playing dress up begins at age 5 but never truly ends!' - Kate Spade

How true! Ahh.. The joy of dressing up is =D7

I have been thinking about starting a blog for almost more than 2 years now. I know.. A long time! Well, better late than never.. I recently turned 30 and my instinct of starting a blog got stronger since then. And also my dear hubby said better try one at 30 than to regret when I am 60. So here I am.... This post is purely an introduction blog as the title states.

Before I start I want to give a huge shoutout to all the bloggers out there who inspire me and many others every day.